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Wattle and daub Bahareque

Wattle and daub is one of the oldest construction techniques known to mankind. It has been and still is used on every continent. "Wattle" describes a woven timber structure where twigs and branches are interlaced with rods and sticks. This support then may get plastered with "daub" to make the wall more hermetic, or left without to allow for a better air circulation which is especially appreciated in the tropics.

"Bahareque" and "quincha" are two Latin-American terms describing very similar construction methods. In Turkey the technique is known as "bagdadi". The German word

"Wand" (wall) derives from the verb "winden" (to wind around, or weave), describing in Germanic times a light-weight wall made of wattle and daub as opposed to the heavier wall "Mauer" introduced by the Romans ("murus" in Latin). Subconsciously and 2000 years later this difference in weight can still be felt by German speakers who would call a partition wall a "Wand" rather than a "Mauer".


The reduced weight and inherent cohesion of the system makes it particularly appropriate for earthquake prone areas as compared to masonry.

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Manual de evaluación, rehabilitación y refuerzo de viviendas de Bahareques tradicionales constructidas con anterioridad a la vigencia del decreto 052 de 2002, by Asociación Colombiana de Ingeniería Sísmica AIS, Bogota, Colombia


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Wattle and Daub: anti-seismic construction handbook, by Wilfred Carazas Aedo and Alba Rivero Olmos, FUNDASAL, MISEREOR, CRATerre-EAG. Villefontaine, France,


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Bahareque: Guía de construcción parasísmica, por Wilfred Carazas Aedo y Alba Rivero Olmos, FUNDASAL, MISEREOR, CRATerre-EAG. Villefontaine, France,



Construyendo viviendas con QUINCHA MEJORADA: Guía práctica; Tecnología de mitigación de riesgos, por PREDES, Lima, Perú, 2008 (seconda edición)



Tecnologías apropiadas para la autoconstrucción de viviendas, Anexo 4: Quincha prefabricada, por Instituto de Transferencia de Tecnologías Apropiadas para Sectores Marginales ITACAB y Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología CONCYTEC, Lima, Peru, 1993



Wattle and daub pics

Background documentation

Most research on wattle and daub focuses on the material properties i.e. longevity of the wattle (wood) and daub (mud or lime). For more earthquake related information please refer to the dhajji/himis section.

Bahareque backgroun docs

Cuitiño G. and Esteves A. (2018), Wattle and Daub experimental workshop: Durability testing after 14 years of uninterrupted use,  in European Journal of Engineering Research and Science vol. 3, No. 12

Graham T. (2004), Wattle and Daub: Craft conservation and Wiltshire case study, Dissertation submitted towards the degree of Master of Science in the conservation of historic buildings at the University of Bath

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