Awareness raising material
Awareness raising material
Awareness raising material
Awareness raising material
Awareness raising material
Classroom lessons
Theory lessons in French
The following classroom lessons in French have been prepared for the training of masons in Haiti in 2011. They were used to accompany the practical training to make students understand better what they were doing on the building sites.
These lessons should be given by experienced and practice-minded trainers. The "Cours complet annoté" provides explanations for the trainers on each slide.
01 - La séléction du site
02 - La forme de la maison
03 - La maçonnerie chaînée
04 - La lecture des plans
05 - L'implantation
06 - Les fondations
07 - Les armatures principales
08 - Le béton
09 - Les armatures additionnelles
10 - Les bloc béton
11 - La maçonnerie
12 - Les escaliers
13 - Les toitures légères
14 - Les dalles
15 - Les murs de soutènement
16 - Les séismes
Pour ingénieurs et techniciens:
Le calcul des murs de refend
Pour enseignants:
Cours complet annoté
Lesson posters (some examples)
The slides of the major lessons had been printed out on posters which were put on the classroom walls allowing students to discuss specific slides after the lessons.
La séléction du site
La forme de la maison
La maçonnerie chaînée
Les armatures principales
Le béton
Les bloc béton
La maçonnerie
Les murs de soutènement
Theory lessons in Spanish
In 2016 the lessons were reviewed, translated into Spanish and adapted to the Ecuadorian context, rules and regulations. This work of adaptation is an important step as the recommendations contained in the lessons must reflect the local availability of building materials and the local building codes.
01 - Las cimentaciones
02 - Las armaduras
03 - El hormigón
04 - La mampostería
05 - Las bandas sísmicas
06 - Mampostería confinada
07 - La selección del sitio
08 - La forma de la casa
09 - Los bloques de hormigón
10 - Las losas
11 - Los muros de contención
12 - La ampliación de la casa
Para ingenieros y técnicos: Cálculo de la cantidad de muros confinados
Para docentes:
Curso completo con notas