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Inspiring manuals by others

Some of the manuals presented on this page served as reference material for the creation of our own training material. Others we discovered only later. Some of these guidelines may cover more techniques than just confined masonry. Specific recommendations for particular details may differ from one manual to the other, or from our own.

However, for the sake of completeness we think it's important to propose to you this collection of inspiring material in various languages.

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Construction and maintenance of masonry houses, for masons and craftsmen, by Marcial Blondet (editor), PUCP, SENCICO and EERI, Lima, 2nd edition, version 3.0, 2005.

This guide for masons is one of the first and best construction guides on confined masonry available to this day. It has been at the very basis of our own manuals.


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Construcción y mantenimiento de viviendas de albañilería, para albañiles y maestros de obra, by Marcial Blondet (editor), PUCP, SENCICO y EERI, Lima, versión 3.0, 2005


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Construction and maintenance of masonry houses, for masons and craftsmen, by Marcial Blondet (editor), PUCP, SENCICO and EERI, Lima, 2nd edition, version 3.0, 2005.


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Manual de construcción, evaluación y rehabilitación sismo resistente de viviendas de mampostería, (Manual on construciton, evaluation and earthquake-prove rehabilitation of masonry), by Asociación colombiana de ingeniería sísmica AIS, Colombia (2001?). This is another manual with excellent illustrations, covering also retrofitting issues.


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Béton et construction parasismique: Conception parasismique et maison individuelles,

by Milan Zacek (editor), Centre d'information sur le ciment et ses applications CIM-Béton (2011), a very complete guide with excellent illustrations.


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Construction parasismique des maisons individuelles aux Antilles "Guide CP-MI antilles", Recommandations AFPS Tome IV, by Association française du génie parasismique AFPS (2004). This guide has been specifically developed for the Caribbean area.


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Constructing seismic resistant masonry houses in Indonesia, by Teddy Boen, World Seismic Safety Initiative (2009), a highly illustrated manual, specifically developed for Indonesia


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Confined masonry: a step by step construction guide for masons and craftsmen, by UN-Habitat Pakistan (2012). A short and well illustrated guide with basic information on how to build an earthquake resistant confined masonry house.


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Build a safe house with confined masonry, by Kamu Iyer et al., Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (2012). A very complete guidebook, proposing also a series of housing typologies with ready made designs.



Nueva cartilla de la construcción, by Ministerio de Transporte y Infrastructura (2011). A revised edition of one of the early construction manuals on confined masonry plus a variety of other construction issues. The document you can download here contains only the chapter on confined masonry.


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Earthquake resistant confined masonry construction, by Svetlana Brzev, National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering NICEE, India (2007). An important reference guide on the principals of confind masonry and their worldwide application, with notes on seismic provisions related to confiend masonry in various national building codes.


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Earthquake Tips, Learning Earthquake Design and Construction, by C.V.R. Murty, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur India (2005). An excellent collection of 24 tips on earthquake engineering explained in a simple and concise way.


Guide de bonnes pratiques pour la construction de petits bâtiments en maçonerie chaînée en Haiti, by the Ministry of Public Works MTPTC and Ministry of Interior MICT. The official reference manual proposed by the Haitian authorities. Manual prepared by SNC-Lavalin with most illustrations "borrowed" from the Blondet and our own manuals.


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